Have you ever finished a workout and noticed breakouts all over your chest and back? I mean, it is uncomfortable enough, right? Let's get real about how to prevent breakouts and rashes while protecting the girls. So they call it Fungal Acne which sounds way worse than it is. However, it is a lot more persistent than regular acne. OTC acne creams may help in some people.
What is Fungal Acne Anyway?
The truth is Fungal Acne is neither acne or fungus but it is when the yeast that is commonly found on the skin affects the hair follicles of your skin.
Commutation of yeast often occurs when there is a built up of moisture A.K.A sweat and we all know larger breasts can be quite the conduite of moisture.This is why you typically see acne in common areas where a buildup of sweat occurs in the body like the chest, back, shoulders, forehead, and hairline.
Different Appearance and Sensation
Fungal Acne can easily be mistaken for acne since it appears in a cluster of bumps like pimples all over the skin. The key difference in appearance is that does not come into a head like regular acne. Fungal Acne often looks like red or nude colored bumps that look deeply clogged. If your body acne feels itchy, it is most likely Fungal Acne. Mine itches just typing that.
How to Prevent Fungal Acne
The easiest way to prevent the growth of yeast in the skin to wear clothing that is breathable. It is especially important that you have a bra that allows your chest and back to breathe since these areas are more prone. The Bloom Bra is designed with breathable fabric and an awesome mesh back that keeps your back nice and dry during workouts. No more moisture+ No More Yeast= No Body Acne!
It is also recommended to remove clothing right after a workout or activity. As well as showering after workouts. Be sure to also wash your bras and exercise clothing too.
Click here to read our blog post on how to properly wash your Bloom Bra.
Say Goodbye to Boob Sweat
An ill fitting bra can contribute to tugging and are too tight around the area of your breast which causes not only discomfort but sweat build up. Take our size guide to find your best Signature Bloom Bra fit. Big boobs? No worries! Did you know that 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra? Keep your skin healthy with our Signature Bloom Bra for your most intense workouts!
Remember to always consult with your dermatologist for any skin related concerns