Have you ever wondered where your bras are manufactured and how they may impact the environment we live in today?
Well this is a very valid question considering the clothing and textile industry leaves behind the BIGGEST ecological footprint which is far from sustainable. To highlight a few concerns from source WWF, the industry emits 1.7 billion tons of CO2 annually contributing to global warming, water pollution and high volumes of water for growing raw materials and wet processing, not to mention toxic chemicals and 2.1 billion tons of waste such as disposed clothing or off cuts each year.
So what are companies doing to reduce the environments impact?
Being that the Fashion Industry leaves behind such crucial environmental factors, the Global Fashion Agenda created a global forum on sustainability in the fashion industry. As of last May at the copenhagen fashion Summit, 64 major fashion companies signed the 2020 Circular Fashion System Commitment. The agreement declares that they support sustainable fashion and will imply it in their own business plans, with a total of 55 company targets set. Brands who already practice such ethical practices such as Uye Surana who creates their garments by hand and in small batches to reduce waste and prevent overproduction. In addition they source raw materials from healthy growing local suppliers and partner with a recycling team to make the most of their leftover scraps, avoiding landfill.
What we do to create the most sustainable products while giving back to the community
As leading Innovators of the industry, Bloom Bras aims to offer the highest quality of products to each of our clients by sourcing through sustainable practices. In order to achieve this goal, we found the best way was to create our own factory in Sri Lanka. The factory has been built on land that can sustain itself, employing skilled workers from neighboring villages, with housing provided for those who have to travel for work. We use fresh spring mountain water to power our factory, grow fruits, vegetables, and rice to feed our employees. Each of our bras are sourced from high quality materials that are soft and comfortable to best suit you. With every Bloom Bra purchase you are buying into a more sustainable future.
For a great read on how to purchase quality over quantity please take a moment to read this article Stop buying Crap, and Companies Will Stop Making Crap by, Elizabeth Segran and feel free to share your thoughts with us. Although we don't with everything published in this article we agree with the premise.