
Nike plus size mannequin in store

Rocking Curves and the Nike Mannequin

Last week, Nike revealed their new plus-sized mannequins in the UK to much controversy when Telegraph journalist Tanya Gold referred to the mannequin as immense, gargantuan, vast and heaves with...

Rocking Curves and the Nike Mannequin

Last week, Nike revealed their new plus-sized mannequins in the UK to much controversy when Telegraph journalist Tanya Gold referred to the mannequin as immense, gargantuan, vast and heaves with...

Elyse Kaye Entrepreneur founder of bloom bras

8 Ways To Support Your Entrepreneurial Friend

So your friend recently decided they want to take a plunge into the world of entrepreneurship, good for them right? You vow to be a supportive friend. At first, it's...

8 Ways To Support Your Entrepreneurial Friend

So your friend recently decided they want to take a plunge into the world of entrepreneurship, good for them right? You vow to be a supportive friend. At first, it's...